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Public Hearing for Water Replacement Project

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Notice of Public Hearing

Date: December 17, 2020
Time:  6:00 pm
Location: 10 Costilla Blvd, or remote by Zoom. Contact the District at to be added to the public meeting email invitation.  Invitations will be emailed in advance of the meeting. 

A public hearing will be conducted to inform citizens and solicit public input, written or oral, regarding the Water System Replacement Project.  The Project Needs Assessment (PNA) for this project is available for public review.  The PNA is a report which discusses the project need, alternatives considered, and cost.  The PNA was submitted to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) to qualify the Water System Replacement Project for a State Revolving Fund Loan.

The existing water distribution system is lacking adequate isolation control for waterline repair in several areas.  The Water System Replacement project will include construction of replacement water distribution pipe and appurtenances, control valves, fire hydrants, and water meters.

The current base water and sewer rate is $50.  The PNA’s estimated Cost of Service, assuming a DOLA EIAF grant of $1million, would add an additional water and sewer use charge of approximately $16, raising user charges to approximately $66.

The Project Needs Assessment is available electronically for public review prior to the Public Meeting by request.  The point of contact for this project is Jamie Greeman, 719-589-2649.