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Water & Sewer Rates

The East Alamosa Water & Sanitation Board held a Public Meeting on September 29, 2020 to propose a new rate schedule for the years 2021, 2023, and 2025.  After several months of discussion, research and customer feedback, new rates through the year 2025 were approved by the East Alamosa Board of Directors at their October 2020 Regular Board Meeting. 


Monthly Water and Sanitation Fees 


Water Service Connection Fees:

Residential Water Tap Fee


Commercial Water Tap Fee


Sewer Service Connection Fees:

Residential Sewer Tap Fee


Commercial Sewer Tap Fee


  1. The Tap Fee and Meter Cost includes the physical installation of the service line from the water main to the property line and the installation of one meter, meter pit and all appurtenances. 
  2. Applicant is responsible for installation of water or sewer line from their structure to the Main Line.
  3. Engineering Plans or a Statement from a Qualified Professional must be included with Application before approval from East Alamosa Board of Directors. Plans should specify the approximate location of the water service line coming from the structure and confirmation of sufficient grade and elevation as pertains to wastewater lines.  
  4. Application for Tap Fees must be submitted in person by one of the named owners of the property for which services are requested.
  5. Tap Fees are due at time of application. Meter & Appurtenances  costs will be billed upon installation.
  6. All Engineering costs that may be incurred by EAWSD in the study of plans submitted by the applicant will be the responsibility of the applicant.
  7. Multi-unit residences will be assessed Tap Fees based on the District’s Engineer’s recommendation.
  8. For additional information and EAWSD policies, please refer to the Rules & Regulations on the District website.
  9. This may not be a complete list of all fees involved.  Road cuts, permits, commercial plumbing companies and contractors may result in additional charges.